Welcome to the pyWATTS documentation!

The goals of pyWATTS (Python Workflow Automation Tool for Time-Series) are

  • to support researchers in conducting automated time series experiments independent of the execution environment and
  • to make methods developed during the research easily reusable for other researchers.

Therefore, pyWATTS is an automation tool for time series analysis that implements three core ideas:

  • pyWATTS provides a pipeline to support the execution of experiments. This way, the execution of simple and often recurring tasks is simplified. For example, a defined preprocessing pipeline could be reused in other experiments. Furthermore, the execution of defined pipelines is independent of the execution environment. Consequently, for the repetition or reuse of a third-party experiment or pipeline, it should be sufficient to install pyWATTS and clone the third-party repository.
  • pyWATTS allows to define end-to-end pipelines for experiments. Therefore, experiments can be easily executed that comprise the preprocessing, models and benchmark training, evaluation, and comparison of the models with the benchmark.
  • pyWATTS defines an API that forces the different methods (called modules) to have the same interface in order to make newly developed methods more reusable.

Features of pyWATTS:

  • Reuseable modules
  • Plug-and-play architecture to insert modules into the pipeline
  • End-to-end pipeline for experiments such that pipeline performs all necessary steps from preprocessing to evaluation
  • Conditions within the pipeline
  • Saving and loading of the entire pipeline including the pipeline modules
  • Adapters and wrappers for existing machine learning libraries

Indices and tables